Over the last ten years or so, HGD s.a. has specialised in the design of fittings for flap shutters. We have developed a patented adjusting mechanism for a precise adjustment of the sash during installation.

Our research has led to the creation of a steel fitting that can be adjusted both horizontally and vertically.

Penture Reglable - Brevet HGD
Penture Reglable - Brevet HGD

These fittings are equipped with a patented adjusting mechanism that aims for a precise adjustment of the sash during installation.

In the case of gudgeons embedded in the walls, we know from experience that it is extremely difficult to drill perfectly aligned holes. The drill often deviates and the flap shutters are incorrectly installed. That is why HGD s.a. has patented this fitting, which adjusts on the two axes and makes it possible to make up for a drilling error.
Even when the gudgeons are fitted into the frames, often the frames or the walls are not straight. The installer is then tempted to bend the gudgeon to put it in the right position at the risk of breaking it. Thanks to the adjustable fittings from HGD s.a., a simple turn of the key is all it takes to adjust the flap in height or in width. One single person can install it. There is no need for two installers, which cuts down on the cost of installation.

Furthermore, the adjustable fittings of the 3000 and 7000 series are made from very resistant steel and come with a mechanism that makes them untamperable. The shutters that correspond to this system cannot be lifted and removed from their gudgeons.Contact us for more technical information.

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